As friends of This Little Blog would know, I am mad for a theory. [oh!]
One of my favourites [which actually goes by the name of a Principle but, with it's beautiful alliteration, could be just as thrilling] is the Premack Principle. It goes a little something like this:
Frequently occuring behaviour can be used to reinforce low probability behaviour.
Or translated: don't let yourself do the fun stuff until you do the boring stuff.
Easy right? And obvious. Everyone knows that's a good idea. [But maybe we sometimes forget?]
So lovely people, when you get to Monday morning and you're planning for The Most Productive Week Ever, stay Premack Principled:
Send your invoices before you check Twitter.
Read three articles before you pick up Vogue.
Make those calls before the coffee run.
Do the vacuuming before baking.and.licking.the.bowl.
Finish your report before checking emails (again).
In a Premack world, you not only still get the good stuff, the less.good is already out of the way.