Wednesday, January 12, 2011


[Lovely together and so similar, as though the years had grown them the same. And kind, so kind to each other.]

In his book Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell explores the factors that he reckons contribute to the success of high.achieving folk. He draws particularly on the experiences of highly.visible people but his ideas are equally relevant to those who live regular, gentle lives.

Critical, he suggests, is a mentor.

And I like that idea. Not just if you want to be a hockey star or a computer whizz or an international pilot. But (and perhaps more importantly) if you want to be a Good Person. If you want to be the best you can be with others and particularly, in your relationship with your Lovely One.

I gather mentors quietly (they don't even know). And I hold them up. People who live in a way that I admire, who demonstrate attributes, ways of being, that I would like to encourage in myself.

As beacons: lighting my way.