Friday, September 11, 2009

looking forward

Do you look forward to stuff?

Remember when you were a little kid and you’d be busting because your bestie was having a birthday and you and all your friends were going to her sleep-over? Or even when you were a bit older and you couldn’t wait to go to school because then it would soon be after-school and that spunky boy on the bus would smile at you again and you'd smile back?

I am looking forward to so much stuff: to drinks tonight with my favourite people, to a Saturday afternoon in the park, to a sun-soaked swim on the weekend, to moving into my-very-own-house in a little while, to travel and study next year.

For a while there, a few months back, I realised that I was waking up each morning and not looking forward to anything during the day. It wasn’t that my days were any different. I think I had just forgotten to anticipate the good stuff.

Now, once again, I am unfolding from sleep and stealing just a few moments to focus on all the excellent things that have the potential to make my head and heart happy.

It's an (almost) effortless way to encourage joy.